Oct 5, 2008

Elliott Murphy vs Coldplay

"Elliott Murphy or Coldplay"
That's what Elliott Murphy told us yesterday in Brussels.

"Tonight you had two choices in Belgium... Elliott Murphy or Coldplay. Well I have to admit that Coldplay is... hmm ... much younger than us so you have plenty of time to see them ! Thank you for being here !"

To be honest I didn't have the choice I had already my ticket for Murphy and Coldplay has been sold out in a few minutes !!! Colplay will be for the next time maybe...

Elliott Murphy and band were yesterday in Brussels.
The concert was great as usual. That was my 3rd Murphy's concert and probably the best one.
Elliott and his band are amazing onstage. They always make great shows.
Yesterday they played for about 3 hours and it's like they could goin' on and on... We can't stop them.
They're having so much fun live! They played all their good stuff but I couldn't remember the right setlist it was so long !
They were close and very friendly with us and they joked as soon as they could.

Elliott needed some "special effects" for a song...
glasses and the lyrics - Very sexy Elliott !!!
He asked us with or without glasses
And added sunglasses is the secret !

Nice T-shirt Elliott !
Nice concert and Elliott Murphy is sexier with ages... I can't believe he's 60. What a sexy man !!! :p