Nov 9, 2008

Scorpio rocks

Do you believe in astrology and horoscopes?
I don't, but I have to admit that I have a lot in common with what they say about Scorpio !
But I won't tell what it's true or not, you'll have to guess ;)

Scorpio is one of the most energetic and powerful signs in the Zodiac horoscope. Scorpio people have an exciting and attractive personality, very passionate and emotional. Scorpio possess forceful personalities and can easily be fitted for leadership roles.

Scorpio possess a higher chance of having high or genius level of IQs than most of the population. Scorpio are forceful, enthusiastic, critical and analytical.

Positive Traits

Determined and forceful
Powerful and passionate
Emotional, intuitive, loyal and dynamic
Exciting and magnetic. Scorpios have magnetic and dynamic personalities. Typically they are likable and have a soothing affect on those around them. Scorpios also tend to be very creative and inventive and excel in professional careers such as medicine chemistry and physics. They tend also to be patient, courteous, loyal and generous. Those around them will often use them to help with problem resolution. Their greatest assets are the powers of will and determination.

Negative Traits
Jealous and resentful
Compulsive, obsessive, egoist and suspicious
Secretive and obstinate. Although patient and courteous, if they become aroused there is no fury equal to the Scorpio. They can become bitterly cutting to those around them. The more sensitive Scorpio may have a tendency to lose their composure and lash out with unconstructively. Because they may possess keen, creative minds, they may tend to day dream to extreme.

Proud to be a Scorpio :D

Other Scorpios...
Bryan Adams, Neil Young, Simon & Gartunkel (yes both!), Joaquin Phoenix, Julia Roberts, Demi Moore, Winona Ryder, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matthew McConaughey, Larry King, Martin Scorsese,...