Aug 8, 2008


8 is the most fascinating and enigmatic single digit number. Feared by many, preferred by a few, this number continues to be the most controversial single digit number in the world of Astrology and Numerology.

The shape of this number makes it unique. Nothing happens to this number if you invert it upside down. See it in the mirror and you still get the same number. You can draw a line vertically to split the number to get an identical 2 halves, a 3 and a laterally reversed 3. If you cut it horizontally you get 2 zeros. It resembles the shape of the symbol of infinity that is familiar to mathematicians. If you write the numbers from 1 to 9 the stroke of the pen is always end downwards. Lo and behold!… it is the only number that ends upwards. 8 also denotes the going away or losing the way but coming back finally to where we all started from. Life appears complicated like the loop in the number 8 but on a closer look it is just 2 bubbles.

In music... Eight Days A Week !!!