Apr 20, 2009

Lenny's revolution

19.04.2009 - Let Lenny Rule Antwerp !

After an horrible support act and a long waiting til' 9.15 PM, it was time for a Love Revolution.
Lights went down, fans went insane... specially the women !

An intro and a start pretty hard followed by a lot of ballads and long solo's sometimes a little way too long for me.
Nice setlist with a good mix between the new songs and the old ones such as American Woman, Fly Away, I Belong To You And You Belong To Me, Let Love Rule, Always On The Run, I'll Be Waiting, Are You Gonna Go My Way..

I had already seen him in 2002 but yesterday was different, much better I think. Good atomsphere and the setlist was longer.

I'm not a big fan I just like what he does but i think it's an artist we got to see at least once live. It's a live artist and he's way better on stage than on a cd ! Lenny is a great showman and knows how to play with the crowd. He does what he wants and everybody follows him.
He was around by 8 excellent musicians.

You're looking good with that bra

Kravitz was in a good mood, very friendly and close to the public... he came down to shake hands with fans... and I even touched him waawww he'll never forget that :D

What a great artist !